Complimentary access! SiriusDecisions Channel Marketing Strategies Research Brief: Channel Marketing Concierge Services Operational Elements

A concierge service is often provided to residents of an apartment building or guests of a hotel, hospital, or other facilities. The concierge arranges specific services and provides assistance to meet residents’ or guests’ needs.

B-to-b suppliers seeking to deliver improved demand creation or to scale and support a larger number of partners are often hampered by internal resource challenges or limited field representation. By deploying channel marketing concierge services, they can build a systematic, measurable demand creation engine. Channel marketing concierge services can be deployed in various ways and suppliers must assess levels of cost and operational complexity before deploying these services to partners.

In our blog this week, we share a SiriusDecisions Research Brief, that describes the operational elements channel marketing leaders should consider when implementing channel marketing concierge services.

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