3rd Gen Platforms: Back to the Future

Whenever we go out and tell new acquaintances about Powerlinx, they immediately get what our value proposition is, as you probably do as well. What Powerlinx stands for is intuitive, straight forward, and it simply makes absolute sense for someone who’s been in business long enough.

And the reason why Powerlinx resonates so much with people, is because it’s the next logical transition stage of technology-enabled innovation.

1st Gen: The Online Shopping Revolution

As we mentioned here, it all started with tradeable goods, when ecommerce platforms like eBay and Amazon paved the way for things to get bought and sold in such an easy way that not only it was hard to avoid it, but many businesses started relying almost entirely on these new ways of online shopping.

With the coming of the Internet and the modernization of shipments handling, in hindsight it was just a matter of time for the standardization of online shopping to play a significant role in our lives.

2nd Gen: The Business of Intangible Assets

Platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn sprang up, as the need to connect with like-minded people for no reason other than just having them on your social/professional network started to unfold. Here, the intangible asset is the act of connecting, since no actual transaction ends up happening.

3rd Gen: Going Back to the Future

Even as technologies get more complex, the need to go back to basics and tackle real world inefficiencies is simply the next logical phase in this technology-driven innovation process. It just makes sense!

Bringing interactions back to the real world is what companies like Powerlinx, AirBnB and Uber are all about, while aiming to become the go-to place for actual experiences and opportunities.

This is why, at Powerlinx, providing you with a comprehensive way of doing business and connecting with others, while at the same time, having actionable opportunities to act on became our guiding principle in which we rely on every single day.