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Managed service providers in Australia can now access the “full suite” of Check Point Software products since distributor Westcon-Comstor is partnering with the security giant.

Check Point Software’s suite includes network security to protect enterprises from sophisticated cyber-attacks, cloud security with a unified cloud-native security platform, and user and access security to protect remote users’ devices and access. The vendor also provides unified management and security operations to proactively prevent attacks.

According to Westcon-Comstor, the arrangement will enhance the ability of MSSP partners to deliver holistic solutions by “simplifying operations with faster customer onboarding, streamlined quoting, technical onboarding, pipeline development and go-to-market alignment.”

The distributor also claims that they are pitching this partner program to MSSPs of all sizes.

An Explosive Market Opportunity

The announcement comes at an opportune time for MSSPs. This week, the Australian Government’s Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) released its Annual Cyber Threat Report 2022–2023, and it paints a grim picture of accelerating cyber threats for businesses of all sizes.  

Since 2021–2022, there has been a 23% increase in cyber crime reports, with one occurring every six minutes. The average cost of cyber crime increased by 14%, with small businesses losing $46,000 on average, medium businesses $97,200, and large enterprises $71,600.

This is an accelerating problem that businesses face. The good news is that the main threats are in areas where the right security solutions can protect organizations: email compromise, business email compromise (BEC) fraud, and online banking fraud.

The problem is that organizations are struggling to find the internal resources to handle these threats, and this is where the MSSP opportunity comes in.

Cyber Security Talent Is Expensive

The cost of acquiring cyber security talent is increasing due to massive skills shortages. The Australian government’s Jobs and Skills Report 2023 found that more than 70% of IT roles – including cyber security – were in severe shortage. In a market with a low unemployment rate, this is not only making it difficult to fill an IT security team but also expensive, with cyber security salaries increasing rapidly.

As reported on Channel Insider previously, security is the big MSP opportunity. However, MSPs that are not currently in the space will run up against the same recruitment and technical issues as their customers as they attempt to scale. It is these MSPs that stand to benefit the most from opportunities such as what Westcon-Comstor and Check Point Software are offering in providing a straightforward way to adopt and begin providing complete security solutions.