Filing a construction lien is an important step for contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers to protect their rights and secure payment for work performed or materials supplied. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of filing a construction lien, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and helping you navigate the complexities of lien filing with confidence.

Step 1: Understand State-Specific Laws and Requirements

Each state has its own laws and requirements regarding construction liens. Familiarize yourself with the specific regulations applicable in your jurisdiction. Research the deadlines, notice requirements, and forms necessary for filing a construction lien.

Step 2: Gather Documentation

Compile all relevant documentation, including contracts, invoices, change orders, evidence of work performed or materials supplied, and any other supporting documents that substantiate your claim for payment. Ensure your documentation is accurate, detailed, and organized.

Step 3: Serve Preliminary Notices (If Required)

In some states, serving preliminary notices to the property owner or general contractor is a prerequisite for preserving your lien rights. Follow the specific notice requirements, including the timing and method of delivery, as mandated by state law.

Step 4: Review the Lien Filing Process

Review the lien filing process outlined by your state’s laws. This typically involves preparing the necessary lien forms, including the lien claim itself, and ensuring compliance with formatting and content requirements. Familiarize yourself with any additional documentation or supporting materials required.

Step 5: Complete the Lien Forms

Accurately complete the lien forms, providing all required information, including the property owner’s name, legal description of the property, amount owed, and details of the work performed or materials supplied. Be precise and thorough in your statements.

Step 6: Sign and Notarize the Lien Forms

Sign the lien forms in the presence of a notary public or as required by state law. Notarization provides an added level of authenticity and legal validity to your lien claim.

Step 7: File the Lien with the Appropriate Authority

File the lien forms with the appropriate authority, typically the county recorder’s office or other designated government office responsible for recording construction liens. Follow the filing procedures, including payment of any required fees, and retain proof of filing.

Step 8: Serve a Copy of the Lien

Serve a copy of the filed lien on the property owner and other relevant parties as required by state law. Adhere to the specified delivery method and timing for serving the lien.

Step 9: Monitor Deadlines and Take Appropriate Action

Monitor the deadlines for taking further legal action, such as initiating a foreclosure suit or negotiating a settlement. Understand the time limits within which you must enforce your lien rights to protect your claim.

Step 10: Consult with a Construction Lawyer

Consulting with experienced construction lawyers, such as those at Tishkoff PLC, can provide valuable guidance throughout the lien filing process. They can help ensure compliance with legal requirements, review your documentation, offer advice on enforcement options, and advocate for your rights in case of disputes or legal actions.


Filing a construction lien requires careful attention to detail and adherence to state-specific requirements. Follow this step-by-step guide to navigate the process effectively and protect your rights as a contractor, subcontractor, or supplier. Seek expert legal guidance from Tishkoff PLC to ensure compliance with applicable laws, maximize your chances of successful lien filing, and secure payment for your construction-related services.