Thinkers50 Radar 2022: Julia DiBenigno

Julia DiBenigno

Julia DiBenigno is an associate professor at Yale, and an organizational field researcher and ethnographer whose work has advanced our understanding of topics related to the sociology of work. Julia addresses pressing organizational problems through qualitative, ethnographic methodologies, immersing herself in the social worlds of those she studies. She has developed innovative theories on how to harness the ideas and expertise of lower-power employees, collaboration between professional groups, and socialization and culture change dynamics in healthcare and government organizations.

Julia’s work advances organizational theory while addressing problems ranging from improving soldier mental healthcare delivery to supporting frontline caregivers combating Covid-19. During the pandemic, Julia was tapped to help study the effect of the unprecedented uncertainties facing caregivers. She and the team she worked with used their research to come up with recommendations that helped lessen burnout and support caregivers. Her research has appeared in Administrative Science Quarterly and the Academy of Management Annals and has won multiple best paper and best dissertation awards.

Julia DiBenigno


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