Mindmatrix Feature Spotlight: Asset Permissions for Content & Messaging Integrity

Maintain content and messaging integrity with Mindmatrix’s Asset Permissions feature

Mindmatrix allows you to control asset access and use through its asset permission mechanism. The asset permission functionality lets you create and manage permissions for accessing, editing, sharing and copying assets. 

User-level asset permissions-This is the broadest level of permissions. You can assign roles to users and permissions corresponding to those roles. For example, sales users may not be able to edit assets at all, and marketing may control everything, including personalizing the assets for the sales users. 

Template-level asset permissions-When you share an asset with users, you can determine the permission levels for them. The permissions can be broadly divided into 3 categories-

  • View asset- This lets the user to only view the asset and use it as-is
  • Share asset-User can share the asset with other users
  • Copy asset-This permission level allows users to make copies of the particular asset
  • Delete asset-An user with this permission level can delete the asset

Micro-level asset permission-Apart from the above, in any given asset, marketers can identify sections that could be locked or unlocked for editing by users, thus controlling asset editing permissions at the micro-level.

Please visit www.mindmatrix.net to learn more.
