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Top ADP Implementation / Optimization Consultants, Services, & Consulting Firms

Jake Jorgovan

In human resources, implementing and optimizing ADP solutions can be important for business efficiency and growth. Whether you're integrating new systems or fine-tuning existing ones, ADP consultants and firms provide the expertise necessary to streamline your operations. The Value of ADP Implementation and Optimization Services ADP consultants are invaluable for businesses looking to enhance their HR and payroll systems.

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You Can’t Escape Partnering (Hurrah!)

Partner Path

3 Reassuring Takeaways from My EMEA Event Tour Recently, I had the pleasure of going ‘on tour’ in Europe to help Impartner host three Partnership Leaders Meetup events. PartnerPath is the Impartner Partner-of-the-Year for 2024 (what a mouthful) and I jumped at the chance to meet partnering enthusiasts on my side of the pond. The ‘tour’ was more networking and finger food than guitars and trashed hotel rooms, but still a very cool experience.


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Top Cerner EHR Implementation / Optimization Consultants, Services, & Consulting Firms

Jake Jorgovan

Implementing or optimizing Cerner EHR systems can be a game-changer for healthcare organizations, streamlining operations and improving patient care. Finding the right consultant or service provider is crucial for ensuring a smooth and successful transition. The Value of Cerner EHR Implementation and Optimization Consultants Hiring a specialized consultant for Cerner EHR implementation or optimization brings expertise and experience to your project.

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Remember to Look Back: The Importance of Reflection

Peter Simoons

When you step off the train in St Jean-Pied-de-Port, the imposing sight of the Pyrenees mountain peaks envelopes you. Starting your Camino to Santiago de Compostela from this point means you must cross these towering mountains on the very first day of your journey! On the evening before I set off on my first Camino, the host at the Alberge in St Jean-Pied-de-Port gave me a piece of excellent advice that stayed with me, “Remember to look back, many of the most beautiful views are behind you.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Be Partner Ready

Winter. It’s my time to light the fire, cook a hearty curry, and savour a glass of Pinot Noir. And head to bed early! For centuries, Winter has been a natural season for introspection. As nature rests and animals hibernate, humans often cocoon and reflect on life and work. If you’re reflecting on your corporate partnerships’ strategy, now is an ideal time for a review.

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AI Cloud Infrastructure Leader CoreWeave Plans Public Debut

Channel Insider

Prominent, New Jersey-based cloud infrastructure company CoreWeave has been making sizable waves with its innovative approach to GPU-powered cloud services and is looking to go public in early 2025. Known for its unrivaled access to NVIDIA’s HGX H100 chips , CoreWeave facilitates the development of next-generation AI technologies through its products and platform and is establishing itself as a front-runner in the AI race.

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Top Human Resources (HR) Transformation Consulting Firms, Services, Solutions, Companies, & Consultants

Jake Jorgovan

“If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional, wait until you hire an amateur.” – Red Adair In today's fast-paced business environment, organizations must continuously adapt to stay competitive. This is especially true for the human resources (HR) function, where transformation is crucial to meet evolving workforce demands and leverage new technologies.

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Collaboration Requires Proximity – But It Doesn’t Have to Be Physical

INSEAD Knowledge

The future of work is undoubtedly hybrid. Major corporations from Apple to Zoom now require employees to be in the office two or three days a week, citing the benefits of face-to-face collaboration and culture building. Indeed, traditional thinking suggests that being physically close leads to better communication and collaboration.Our recent research reinforces this idea, but also shows that social closeness (strong direct and indirect connections) can offset a lack of physical proximity.

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How Better AI Documentation Practices foster Transparency in Organizations

Partnership on AI

Share Our Blog / Blog ABOUT ML How Better AI Documentation Practices foster Transparency in Organizations Albert Tanjaya June 6, 2024 Content Wrapper Click here to start editing --> Content Row Click here to start editing --> As artificial intelligence systems become more integrated into daily life, the need for transparency in how those systems work and operate grows.

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Maximize Productivity and Simplify IT Management with Conversational AI

ChatGPT has dominated boardroom conversations for months now. From drafting a stock trading program, to creating a SQL query to model data, there are practically no limits to the applications of the AI language model assistant. At ManageEngine, we have been working on our own AI-assistant, Zia. Zia is a fully-trained analytics assistant that can perform a range of functions such as creating and adding reports to dashboards, providing conversational support to data analysis, insight discovery, bu

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Is Your Company at the Forefront of Innovation and Growth in the Leasing Ecosystem?

Frost & Sullivan

The vehicle leasing industry has been undergoing a significant transformation since the pandemic. During that time, many companies found it challenging to maintain their owned fleets, turning vehicle repair and maintenance into an expensive headache. As a result, vehicle leasing has gained prominence , with organizations of all sizes harnessing it to meet their mobility needs, including funding, fleet maintenance, and handling residual risk.

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IBM to Acquire SKYARCH NETWORKS, Bolster AWS Expertise in Japan

Channel Insider

IBM has announced the acquisition of SKYARCH NETWORKS Inc., a leading managed services provider (MSP) in Japan with specialized expertise in Amazon Web Services (AWS). This acquisition aligns with IBM’s vision of leveraging hybrid cloud infrastructure to unlock the full potential of data and scale generative AI across its customer base. The acquisition follows IBM’s recent purchase of HashiCorp and the sale of its QRadar Saas suite to Palo Alto Networks , signaling its intention to enhance

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Steps for Choosing the Right HRIS System

Jake Jorgovan

Choosing a solid HRIS system can transform your organization's HR operations. The right system streamlines processes and enhances efficiency. However, the selection process can be disconcerting. And it’s no wonder it is. With countless options, making the best choice can be tough. This article will guide you through the 5 essential steps for choosing the right HRIS system.

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Four Ways GenAI Can Give You a Competitive Edge

INSEAD Knowledge

The path to success with generative AI (GenAI) isn't a one-size-fits-all strategy. In this INSEAD Explains video series, INSEAD professors reveal four ways GenAI can be leveraged to gain a significant edge.They unpack how the technology can help businesses scale decision-making power, learn from the past, unlock new possibilities and amplify existing strengths. 1.

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How to Leverage Intent Data for Better Outcomes

Speaker: Susan Spencer, Principal of Spencer Communications

Intent signal data can go a long way toward shortening sales cycles and closing more deals. The challenge is deciding which is the best type of intent data to help your company meet its sales and marketing goals. In this webinar, Susan Spencer, fractional CMO and principal of Spencer Communications, will unpack the differences between contact-level and company-level intent signals.

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AI-Driven Time Management Strategies for Busy Marketers

SEO Magazine

AI-driven methods are reshaping how marketers manage their time. With AI, processes such as content creation and data analysis automate seamlessly. These tools speed up operations while improving marketing teams’ decision-making capabilities. The technology isn’t new to the field; it has long eased consumer and professional tasks. With advanced models like GPT available, creating copy on a grand scale becomes feasible, showcasing a considerable leap in creative asset generation possi

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Are you acquainted with the strategic imperatives driving transformation in the oil and gas industry?

Frost & Sullivan

The global oil and gas industry is navigating a crossroads, with disruptive technologies like advanced drilling and carbon capture reshaping production methods. Transformative megatrends such as climate change and geopolitical dynamics are creating uncertainty. Industry convergence with renewables is blurring traditional boundaries, requiring companies to adapt and innovate continuously.

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Pax8 Appoints Nick Heddy President and CCO

Channel Insider

Pax8 , a prominent provider of cloud solutions, has named Nick Heddy as president and chief commerce officer (CCO). In his new role, Heddy assumes responsibility for guiding global sales, marketing, and community initiatives while collaborating with CEO Scott Chasin on the company’s strategic initiatives. His appointment follows the significant contributions he has made to expanding the company’s global footprint and leading its strategic acquisitions.

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Top Revenue Growth Strategy Consulting Firms, Companies, Services & Consultants

Jake Jorgovan

Are you looking to unlock your company's full revenue potential? If so, partnering with a top revenue growth strategy consulting firm can make all the difference. These experts specialize in identifying opportunities, optimizing operations, and driving sustainable growth. This article dives into the leading companies and consultants in this field along with the strategies, services, and unique approaches that set these firms apart.

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The Essential Guide to the Buying Experience of the Future

Your buyers’ lives, preferences, and expectations have changed. Over two-thirds of buyers prefer remote or digital interactions — and they expect those interactions to be substantive and valuable. They hold sellers to a high standard, and that means the buying experiences of the past — in-person meetings, transactional conversations, and linear sales funnels — no longer deliver.

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Empowering Growth: The Role of GenAI in Social Media Content Creation

Dinkel Business Development

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, social media has emerged as a critical tool for growth and engagement. It's no longer just about connecting with friends and family; it's about creating a powerful online presence, engaging with your audience, and driving business growth. However, creating compelling social media content consistently can be time-consuming and challenging.

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Meeting Audience Needs in Agency-Client Relationships

SEO Magazine

Understanding and catering to client needs is at the heart of thriving agency-client relationships. At SEO Vendor , we nurture bonds that pave the way for mutual growth. A sound strategy rooted in knowing what clients seek from your services shapes lasting partnerships, seeing beyond mere transactions to robust cooperation. This approach ensures contentment and loyalty; they’re less inclined to switch allegiance when satisfied with your offerings.

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Are You Exploring Growth Opportunities and Leveraging Disruptive Technologies to Grow Rapidly in the Connected Off-Highway Industry?

Frost & Sullivan

In today’s uncertain geopolitical landscape, the effective utilization and management of vehicle equipment have risen to the top of customers’ priorities. Off-highway fleet management, which caters to industries like construction, mining, and agriculture, is increasingly seen as a disruptive solution to tackle these pressing concerns. Already, innovative off-highway players are crafting diverse roadmaps and resilient regional strategies centered around the strategic utilization of off-highway co

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Video: EchoStor on Building and Maintaining Client Trust

Channel Insider

In Part 2 of this two part interview with EchoStor Technologies and its long time client, the University of Vermont Medical Center, EchoStor CEO Mike Johnson and Enterprise Account Manager Caleb Morgan explain how they build trust with their clients over time – even when there’s no emergency to attend to. CC Larner, Director of Compute, Database, and Desktop Engineering Services at the University of Vermont Medical Center, explains that she feels she can go to her EchoStor team witho

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5 Essential Virtual Selling Practices Every Company Must Have by 2023

Speaker: Erika Bzdel - Vice President of Sales and Craig Simons - Director of Marketing

Virtual sales success requires new ways of thinking. Sales managers, trainers, sales enablement managers, and sales reps across all industries must adjust to this digital transformation. That doesn’t mean, however, that you can transfer the old ways of doing business to the new blended selling environment. You need to implement essential virtual selling processes or you will get left behind.

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Top Executive Leadership Coaching Companies, Consulting Firms, and Consultants

Jake Jorgovan

Executive leadership coaching is essential. Top companies and consultants provide the edge leaders need to excel here, providing personalized guidance to foster growth and resilience. Leading consultants bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise; they are trusted advisors in strategic decision-making. Investing in top-tier leadership coaching yields significant returns and gives executives the skills to lead with confidence and vision.

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The traditional marketing funnel is dead. All rise the marketing (hyper) loop


Bylines and articles of, the leading partnership marketing platform globally. See these features of in news and media.

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Innovative Techniques to Know Your Customer Better

SEO Magazine

Understanding your customer goes beyond surface-level interactions. Delving into their habits and preferences involves tapping various data sources to gain comprehensive insights. Employing social media analytics alongside mobile data platforms allows you to craft detailed consumer profiles, enhancing marketing efforts while fine-tuning the measurement of returns on social media investments.

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AKATI Sekurity Earns Frost & Sullivan’s 2024 Asia-Pacific Competitive Strategy Leadership Award for Its Rapid Expansion and Strong Presence in the APAC Digital Forensics Services Market

Frost & Sullivan

San Antonio, TX — 7 th June, 2024 — Frost & Sullivan recently analyzed the Global digital forensics services market and, based on its findings, recognizes AKATI Sekurity with the 2024 Asia-Pacific Competitive Strategy Leadership Award. AKATI Sekurity is a leading Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) company that offers threat intelligence and computer forensics services to clients in the financial, healthcare, retail, industrial, IT, government, telecommunications, and transportation.

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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Video: Navigating Shifting Client Budgets With GreenBean IT

Channel Insider

Most client budgets are based on growing or consistent revenue or funding. But what happens when your client is a church or nonprofit with constantly shifting budgets, yet ever evolving needs? Zac King, vice president of managed service provider GreenBean IT, explains his approach to helping these kinds of clients while still running his own business in a profitable direction.

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Top Wealth Management Consulting Firms, Consultants, Advisors, Companies, & Brokers

Jake Jorgovan

In 2023, the global wealth management market was valued at over $134 billion. This staggering figure shows the importance of expert guidance when it comes to managing substantial assets. Top wealth management consulting firms, consultants, advisors, companies, and brokers are key players here, providing strategies and guidance to help you optimize growth, minimize risk, and build lasting stability.

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Inside the convergence of affiliate and influencer marketing


Bylines and articles of, the leading partnership marketing platform globally. See these features of in news and media.