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You Know Nothing of Association Strategy Jon Snow

Partners Preceptors

You Know Nothing of Association Strategy Jon Snow By Vice President Rachel Luoma, MS, CAE One of my association clients is going through the strategic planning process with Lowell Aplebaum of Vista Cova. As I have worked with associations for over 15 years, I have facilitated strategic planning meetings before. I thought I knew a great deal about the strategic planning process.

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A Positive Mindset: What Opportunities Can It Bring You??

Peter Simoons

As a coach I often talk to people on a one-to-one basis about their role in business or in their alliances or in their career. I always see a solution for the challenges my clients face. You might wonder if I am suffering slightly from a form of “professional deformity” or if it is simply a matter of having a positive mindset? I tend to opt for the latter!


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4 habits to reclaim more time in your day

Stellar Partnerships

When COVID forced us all to work from home, many people discovered an unexpected benefit. We had more time in the day. The commute to the office transformed instantly from several hours of wrestling with traffic and transport to a 2-minute walk to the desk. For some, they didn’t even bother with the desk and stayed in bed with the laptop. It felt like time had suddenly been gifted to us.

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Be Partner Ready

To say the pandemic changed many things is an understatement. The way we work, socialise, the way we shop, and for many things, there’s no going back to ‘normal’ Given that going out to shop was a risk to our health (especially if buying toilet rolls!) have you changed the way you purchase products? Even a former staunch anti-online purchaser like Hailey has embraced the e-commerce world and found it to be, for the most part, an efficient and reliable way to shop.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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The War for Talent is Over (Talent Won)

Thinkers 50

As leaders respond to remote and hybrid work models, humans and machines, workforce ecosystems, and talent marketplaces, there is hope and fear, but is enough being done to nurture talent by co-designing cultures of curiosity over cultures of conformity? Hack Future Lab founder and IE Business School visiting Professor, Terence Mauri argues that building a culture of curiosity — one that embraces ideas that challenge the status quo — is the best way to turn uncertainty into a tailwind for bold a

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The Channel Outlook for 2022: Get Ready for Major Change

Channel Insider

The good news is the channel is growing and full of opportunities. The challenge is that major changes are coming that will disrupt the channel and managed service provider (MSP) business model. Here’s everything you need to know about the dramatically changing channel business model and how to reposition your business to take advantage of the coming opportunities.

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A Review of Living Lab Research Development and Methods for User Involvement

TIM Review

Innovation is all about people. Innovation thrives when the population is diverse, accepting, and willing to cooperate. Vivek Wadhwa Author and Entrepreneur. Introduction. The notion of “living labs” has received growing attention in the realm of innovation management. Acting as one form of open innovation that brings external players into the innovation process (Chesbrough et al., 2006), a living lab provides a real-life milieu that stimulates innovative collaboration among people for solving c

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6 Elements of Effective Strategic Planning

PLM Alliances

While the business operations framework is a continuous cycle in which each stage informs the next, developing a strategic plan is the best place to start. During the strategic planning process, an organization performs three steps: Builds or modifies the foundational strategic vision and mission. Commits to goals that drive overall health. Develops a long-term plan to achieve the goals.

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PAI Seeks Public Comment on the Synthetic Media Code of Conduct

Partnership on AI

Share. Our Blog. /. Blog. Synthetic and Manipulated Content. PAI Seeks Public Comment on the Synthetic Media Code of Conduct. Claire Leibowicz. July 11, 2022. Content Wrapper. Click here to start editing. -->. Content Row. Click here to start editing. -->. Perhaps more than any year before, 2022 has demonstrated the vast range of possibilities for synthetic media.

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Maximize Productivity and Simplify IT Management with Conversational AI

ChatGPT has dominated boardroom conversations for months now. From drafting a stock trading program, to creating a SQL query to model data, there are practically no limits to the applications of the AI language model assistant. At ManageEngine, we have been working on our own AI-assistant, Zia. Zia is a fully-trained analytics assistant that can perform a range of functions such as creating and adding reports to dashboards, providing conversational support to data analysis, insight discovery, bu

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Add to cart: 10 consumer behavior insights to help you thrive this Cyber Week


Rising inflation and economic uncertainty have left brands wondering what to expect from Black Friday/Cyber Monday shoppers this year. While 2021 holiday sales grew over 14 percent and reached $886.7 billion , the current inflation rate means today’s dollar doesn’t go quite as far as it did just one year ago. The impact.com Black Friday Consumer Research Report uncovers consumer behavior predicted to influence the buying decision during the 2022 Black Friday shopping season.

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The Importance of Complete Data Visibility to Help MRO Procurement Decisions

CenterPoint Group

You may have spent enough time in procurement while dealing with MRO data. With this, you may be eerily familiar with the wall of vagueness you have to peer at when looking at procurement data that goes beyond invoices and other consolidated data. The problem is so severe that Deloitte, through their Annual Global Chief Procurement Professionals Survey , concluded that up to 65% of procurement professionals might not enjoy data visibility beyond what they glean from their tier-one suppliers.

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The Benefits of a Collaborative Culture

Peter Simoons

When we talk about alliances, we tend to focus on the external component: collaborating with other organisations. By itself that is correct, after all alliances are collaborations between two or more organisations to accomplish a goal that one of the organisations cannot achieve on its own. So we do need external parties! However, alliances have a strong internal component as well and that is about internal collaboration, or in broader terms, it’s very much also about a company’s culture. .

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Tesla’s Dojo Supercomputer: A Game-Changer in the Quest for Fully Autonomous Vehicles

Frost & Sullivan

Dojo – a space for immersive learning – is no longer a term associated only with martial arts. It has been appropriated by other disciplines, including software. Fittingly therefore, Tesla’s new supercomputer named Dojo is touted to be the world’s most powerful AI training platform and promises to be a game-changer in the high-stakes autonomous vehicle race.

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How to Leverage Intent Data for Better Outcomes

Speaker: Susan Spencer, Principal of Spencer Communications

Intent signal data can go a long way toward shortening sales cycles and closing more deals. The challenge is deciding which is the best type of intent data to help your company meet its sales and marketing goals. In this webinar, Susan Spencer, fractional CMO and principal of Spencer Communications, will unpack the differences between contact-level and company-level intent signals.

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Be Partner Ready

Concluding our blog series about The Four Corporate purses (budgets) that changemakers can tap into. Check out the previous blogs exploring purses 1 , 2 & 3. Let’s dive into my favourite purse – MARKETING. Why is it my fave? Because I’m a former corporate marketer (and therefore it speaks my language); it’s the largest purse, holding the greatest potential for untied funding (hooray, untied funding!

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Why Overthinking Costs Us Our Best Decisions?

Thinkers 50

Imagine playing basketball and every time you pass the ball to one of your teammates, you see him freezing — unable to decide whether to shoot, dribble or pass to another player. And every time this happens, your team loses momentum, letting go of the opportunity to score. Your opponents have the time to regroup in defence as they now guard each player tightly and the window to secure an advantage has closed.

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Careers and Chance: How Much Control Do You Really Have?

INSEAD Knowledge

Career success isn’t just about how hard you work or how smart you are. Professional trajectories are influenced by many factors: from people’s lifelong skills and experiences to structural elements such as demographic backgrounds and macroeconomic conditions (e.g. the life-cycle phase of an industry or company). Prior research has examined the effects of these broad and relatively stable factors on career progression.

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What MSPs Need to Know to Offer Compliance Services

Channel Insider

Compliance is a key part of most businesses, but not all organizations can afford a full-time compliance expert. In fact, 34 percent of businesses outsource at least part of their compliance needs. Because of this growing need, many managed services providers (MSPs) are considering the addition of compliance-as-a-service (CaaS) to their current offerings.

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The Essential Guide to the Buying Experience of the Future

Your buyers’ lives, preferences, and expectations have changed. Over two-thirds of buyers prefer remote or digital interactions — and they expect those interactions to be substantive and valuable. They hold sellers to a high standard, and that means the buying experiences of the past — in-person meetings, transactional conversations, and linear sales funnels — no longer deliver.

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How AscendX is Driving Demand for Thousands of SMB Reseller with New Channel Marketing Services


In this post we’d like to explore how one of our partners, AscendX Digital, is helping to overcome this problem and provide a unique channel model for channel marketing services to B2B brands like HP and TD Synnex. The post How AscendX is Driving Demand for Thousands of SMB Reseller with New Channel Marketing Services appeared first on Impartner PRM.

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Who are open innovation managers and what do they do?


Typically, innovation managers are researchers, strategists, evangelists, or pioneers who venture on to become change agents, leaders, organizational designers, coaches, and ultimately fill the seats of process owners, decision makers, and project managers.

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Improving Documentation in Practice: Our First ABOUT ML Pilot

Partnership on AI

Share. Our Blog. /. Blog. ABOUT ML. Improving Documentation in Practice: Our First ABOUT ML Pilot. Jiyoo Chang. October 11, 2022. Content Wrapper. Click here to start editing. -->. Content Row. Click here to start editing. -->. Documentation can help bridge the gap between ethical AI principles and ethical AI in practice. By fully documenting machine learning systems throughout the development and deployment lifecycle, practitioners can better anticipate potential issues before they arise and cr

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Introducing Messaging — a better way to communicate 


The most successful partnerships aren’t simply set-it-and-forget-it. Partnerships work best when brands and publishers are active participants in the relationship, communicating regularly to ensure mutual growth. But partner engagement with hundreds or even thousands of partners is hard, especially when you rely on disparate systems for partner communication and management. .

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5 Essential Virtual Selling Practices Every Company Must Have by 2023

Speaker: Erika Bzdel - Vice President of Sales and Craig Simons - Director of Marketing

Virtual sales success requires new ways of thinking. Sales managers, trainers, sales enablement managers, and sales reps across all industries must adjust to this digital transformation. That doesn’t mean, however, that you can transfer the old ways of doing business to the new blended selling environment. You need to implement essential virtual selling processes or you will get left behind.

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How Infor SunSystems Hospitality Empowers Hotel Businesses

TRG Blog

There are reasons why Infor SunSystems is the chosen financial management solution of more than 2,200 hospitality companies worldwide. The system is designed to transform the way you collect, analyse, manage, and report financial information. More important, it can help your hotel business drive the bottom line and improve guest experience through timely and actionable insights.

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Channeltivity Completes First SOC 2 Audit with No Exceptions


We are excited to announce that Channeltivity has successfully completed a System and Organization Controls (SOC) 2 Type I audit for our hosted partner relationship management (PRM) platform. This rigorous, independent assessment of internal security controls validates Channeltivity’s dedication and adherence to the highest standards for security. Maintaining best practices around data security, data protection, and compliance has been part of Channeltivity’s culture from the very beginning.

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Post Pandemic Partnering or “Are we there yet?”

Phoenix Consulting Group

as Published in Forbes.com. Even before Covid-19, many leaders often commented that we were experiencing a disruptive business climate. Oh, little did we know. This climate has often been called VUCA: volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. The phrase started with the U.S. Military to describe the new world order or rather disorder after the Cold War.

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Be Partner Ready

In my previous blog , I revealed the four distinct purses that non-profits & social enterprises can tap into when approaching corporates for resources & cash (yes, I put cash second, more on that later). As a reminder, the 4 purses are: 1) HR (Human Resources), 2) Philanthropy, 3) CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), and 4) Marketing. Let’s start by diving into the HR purse.

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Strategic ABM Gifting: A CMO’s Silver Bullet to Engage the Enterprise

Today’s customers are hungry for human connections, but how do you break through the digital noise? How do you connect on a more personal level? A strategic ABM gifting campaign can help. You can target accounts and prospects by sending gifts or direct mail. It will help you stand out from the crowd and increase your chances to connect. Download Sendoso’s complimentary eBook to learn: Effective ways to level up your gifting strategy for the enterprise customers.

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In Bold, We Thrive

Thinkers 50

Interview with Terence Mauri, Founder of Hack Future Lab and Visiting Professor, IE Business School. If leaders consider ‘the one thing they could do differently today to help their organization be future prepared,’ where would you start? With economic headwinds and tech disruption an everyday reality, the best solution is to activate bold leadership that empowers talent to solve the biggest problems in the organization, calling out blind spots that leaders are blind to and making trust leaps in

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Climate Change Gets Up Close and Personal for Board Members

INSEAD Knowledge

Shell’s directors are the first to face legal action for mismanaging climate risk. Two new INSEAD reports offer advice to board members seeking to avoid the same fate.

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What Is Digitization vs Digitalization vs Digital Transformation?

Channel Insider

Since the advent of the digital age, digitization and digitalization have been buzzwords. Lately, digital transformation has also become a popular phrase in business and technology circles. They’re commonly thought to be different words for the same thing, but they’re actually three separate technology concepts that have different implications for your business.