January, 2024

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It Starts With an Alliance Culture 

Peter Simoons

“Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast” is a quote by Peter Drucker that addresses the point that regardless of how good your strategy is, if the organisational culture isn’t set up to support it, your strategy will fail. The same applies to alliances, you can craft the most promising alliance with a partner but if the organisational culture isn’t set up to support it, your alliance is destined to fail.

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5 ways to unearth your hidden potential

Stellar Partnerships

One of my favourite things to do at the start of a new year is to buy a diary. The clean, fresh pages speak of opportunities and adventures yet to be lived. It also feels like I’ve got time; the whole year ahead despite hot cross buns appearing in shops in Boxing Day. Yes, Coles, I’m looking at you! Many of you have new corporate partnerships on your wish list for 2024.


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How To Align What You Say With What You Do

INSEAD Knowledge

There is often a gap between our good intentions and our actual behaviour – what we claim to do and how we act. Alarmingly, we're sometimes not even aware of the difference between what we think we're doing and what we're really doing.Aligning our actions with our intentions is challenging, as our unconscious mind can influence and even derail our behaviour and decision-making.

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Three “Bad Boss” Habits to Avoid in 2024

INSEAD Knowledge

As the new year swings open its doors, promising a fresh start and a burst of motivation, it also brings the daunting prospect of having to do it all over again. Despite our best efforts to lead with empathy, authenticity and clarity, we often find ourselves slipping back into bad habits that can frustrate our teams and harm our organisations. The characteristics of good bosses is a subject of ongoing debate.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Building a Strong Relationship with Your Recruiter: Do's and Don'ts

Jake Jorgovan

In a job market that’s more competitive than ever, having a recruiter in your corner can be a game-changer. Recruiters are not just gateways to getting new candidates; they are allies who can provide invaluable insights and open doors to employees who might otherwise remain hidden. Building a strong, positive relationship with your recruiter can change the course of your search, offering advantages like tailored recommendations, access to passive candidates, and crucial interview tips.

Biotech 130

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Top 10 Ways to Foster Industry Consortia Growth through Marketing, PR, and Event Management


Building a thriving industry community requires a strategic approach that combines marketing, public relations (PR), and event management. This integrated approach not only helps in creating brand awareness but also establishes a strong and engaged community.Let’s explore the top 10 key points on how to leverage these three pillars to grow an industry community.

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Unleashing Potential: The Power of Strategic Alliances in Business (468 words)

Rigsbee Research

In the dynamic landscape of business, developing strategic alliances has become a crucial aspect for individuals and organizations alike. The book, Developing Strategic Alliances, explores the myriad reasons and benefits of forging these alliances in his comprehensive guide. This book delves into various strategic alliance examples, shedding light on the immense value that can be […] The post Unleashing Potential: The Power of Strategic Alliances in Business (468 words) appeared first on

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2024 – the year for new thinking

Stellar Partnerships

Summer holidays are almost over and most of us have enjoyed a time to breathe, restore and refresh. The roads were free of stressed drivers doing the school run or hurrying to sport training. When we’re not in such a rush, we tend to notice things and see them with fresh eyes. I was fortunate to spend two weeks in Japan, a place where I’d lived and worked many decades ago.

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Be Partner Ready

I have to confess, coming back to work last week after a month off, was tough. Getting going has been akin to winding up an old car! What the hell is that noise (oh, it’s the alarm). How on earth do I log onto Zoom? What’s the password for that (and that?). Not to mention, the cat isn’t happy that I’m no longer able to attend to his every whim.

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Maximize Productivity and Simplify IT Management with Conversational AI

ChatGPT has dominated boardroom conversations for months now. From drafting a stock trading program, to creating a SQL query to model data, there are practically no limits to the applications of the AI language model assistant. At ManageEngine, we have been working on our own AI-assistant, Zia. Zia is a fully-trained analytics assistant that can perform a range of functions such as creating and adding reports to dashboards, providing conversational support to data analysis, insight discovery, bu

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Top 10 Retail Recruiters, Headhunters, & Executive Search Firms

Jake Jorgovan

The retail landscape transforms on a daily basis, led by emerging trends popping up, along with new regulations and influences. To remain competitive, successful retail professionals, including employees and managers, are characterized by their forward-thinking approach and adaptability to new market trends. They stay informed about the latest consumer behaviors and technological advancements, ensuring they remain competitive and relevant in a dynamic marketplace.

Retail 130
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Stop Asking Candidates for Their Last-Drawn Salary

INSEAD Knowledge

The practice of asking candidates to disclose their last-drawn salary to prospective employers has long been one of the more contentious aspects of the hiring process. While this remains a common request across many countries, certain states in the United States – including California and New York – have made it illegal. The European Union Pay Transparency Directive, which was established in early 2023, also prohibits employers from inquiring about a candidate’s pay history.When speaking with pe

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Video: Xperteks CEO on the Difference Between an MSP and a Digital Janitor

Channel Insider

In the first episode of Channel Insider: Partner POV, Marcial Velez, CEO of Xperteks, joins Katie Bavoso to explain the difference between a managed service provider (MSP) and a “digital janitor” — and how solution providers can evolve from the latter into a true MSP. Velez also shares some of his success stories and his tips on how and why MSPs should prioritize using nurture methodologies.

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Case Study: 1st Page Rankings for 10+ Keywords in Only 6 Months

SEO Magazine

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, achieving first-page rankings on search engines is the ultimate goal for businesses looking to expand their online presence. Maximizing website visibility and generating more conversions can be achieved by securing a top spot in search results. However, achieving this feat is no easy task, especially in competitive niches.

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How to Leverage Intent Data for Better Outcomes

Speaker: Susan Spencer, Principal of Spencer Communications

Intent signal data can go a long way toward shortening sales cycles and closing more deals. The challenge is deciding which is the best type of intent data to help your company meet its sales and marketing goals. In this webinar, Susan Spencer, fractional CMO and principal of Spencer Communications, will unpack the differences between contact-level and company-level intent signals.

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How to handle a ransomware attack 

IBM Business Partners

It’s the news no organization wants to hear―you’ve been the victim of a ransomware attack, and now you’re wondering what to do next. The first thing to keep in mind is you’re not alone. Over 17 percent of all cyberattacks involve ransomware —a type of malware that keeps a victim’s data or device locked unless the victim pays the hacker a ransom.

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The Seven Imperatives for Professional Services Fee Negotiation

Vantage Partners

Clients count on you to help them solve significant business problems. They want the very best you and your firm have to offer. Not just the IP and the infrastructure you’ve invested in, but the extensive experience you’ve acquired putting it to work, the terrific talent you deploy on their behalf (often on little notice), and the "outside-in" perspective and insights you provide.

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The Future of Executive Search: How AI is Transforming the Industry

Jake Jorgovan

The executive search industry is changing fast, thanks to AI. Gone are the days when finding top execs was all about who you know and gut feelings. Now, AI is stepping in with its data crunching and algorithms, making the hunt for leadership talent quicker, smarter, and fairer. In this article, we're diving into the nitty-gritty of how AI is shaking things up.

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Can You Bring Your Spirituality to Work?

INSEAD Knowledge

A key ingredient of leadership is the ability to build trust. But according to DDI, a global HR consulting firm, only 46 percent of employees trust their direct manager to do what’s right. Even worse, only 32 percent say they trust their organisation’s senior leaders. Building trust and doing what’s right is linked to questions of morals and ethics, and whether leaders have a moral compass guiding their decisions and actions.

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The Essential Guide to the Buying Experience of the Future

Your buyers’ lives, preferences, and expectations have changed. Over two-thirds of buyers prefer remote or digital interactions — and they expect those interactions to be substantive and valuable. They hold sellers to a high standard, and that means the buying experiences of the past — in-person meetings, transactional conversations, and linear sales funnels — no longer deliver.

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Video: Tego Marketing VP Talks Navigating Evolving CMMC Compliance

Channel Insider

[link] In this episode of Channel Insider: Partner POV, Katie hosts Jennifer Vosburgh, Vice President of Marketing at Tego, an IT services consulting company with a hybrid solution approach. Vosburgh explains the challenges that come with the evolving regulations behind the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification, or CMMC. What may seem like a recent surge of merger and acquisition activity in the IT channel doesn’t come without its fallout.

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How to Dominate Page One with AI Content

SEO Magazine

Do you want your website to shine on search engine results pages? With nearly half of marketers turning to generative AI, staying ahead means embracing this technology. Most use AI for sparking new ideas. They find it vital in their strategy for content marketing. As SEO reshapes the market scene, consider how AI can elevate your brand’s online presence.

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The dynamic forces behind data center re-transformation 

IBM Business Partners

Data centers are undergoing significant evolution. Initially, they were massive, centralized facilities that were complex, costly and difficult to replicate or restore. Now, advancements in hardware and software as well as increased focus on sustainability are driving rapid transformation. Catalysts and conundrums A dramatic shift in development and operations is making data centers more agile and cost-effective.

Energy 100
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Biopharma M&A in 2024 — Five Considerations for Deal Execution

Vantage Partners

It’s no great secret that M&A activity in bipoharma has been on the rise over the past 12 months. Analysis from EY found that life sciences M&A spend was up 34% last year relative to 2022, despite a reduction in deal volume. Activity among Big Pharmas in 2023 ( Merck + Prometheus ; Pfizer + Seagen ) dominated headlines, and major deal announcements around this year's JPM Healthcare conference (including Merck's acquisition of Harpoon Therapeutics , J&J's acquisition of Ambrx , and GS

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5 Essential Virtual Selling Practices Every Company Must Have by 2023

Speaker: Erika Bzdel - Vice President of Sales and Craig Simons - Director of Marketing

Virtual sales success requires new ways of thinking. Sales managers, trainers, sales enablement managers, and sales reps across all industries must adjust to this digital transformation. That doesn’t mean, however, that you can transfer the old ways of doing business to the new blended selling environment. You need to implement essential virtual selling processes or you will get left behind.

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Top 12 Hospital & Health System Recruiters, Headhunters, & Executive Search Firms

Jake Jorgovan

“We have the opportunity to heal the heart, mind, soul and body of our patients, their families and ourselves. They may not remember your name, but they will never forget the way you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou The healthcare industry is experiencing a major shift due to various factors such as payer reform, technological advancements, scientific developments, and consumer expectations.

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INSEAD Insights: January 2024 Research Picks

INSEAD Knowledge

New research by INSEAD faculty explores how our experience of an event can be influenced by unrelated factors, the positive impact of gender wage transparency reforms on the gender pay gap and why managers should take a longer-term view with their planning. Plus, there are recently published papers on the benefits of controlling networks during a crisis and why leaders should be careful when dealing with flattery. 1.

Banking 101
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Embracing the As-a-Service Model: Advantages and Challenges for MSPs

Channel Insider

The As-a-Service model, also known as the XaaS (Anything As-a-Service) model, is essentially a subscription-based distribution model that allows for scalable and highly customizable service agreements rather than the more traditional package offerings. Renowned for its flexibility and scalability, XaaS is a mature and in-demand solution for business and IT processes, providing many benefits to providers and their clients.

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A 1249% Increase in Organic Traffic for a Niche Business

SEO Magazine

In the ever-evolving landscape of SEO, achieving a substantial increase in organic traffic is a coveted goal for many businesses. In this case study, we’ll share our SEO strategy to achieve a 1000% increase in organic traffic. Let’s delve into one of our projects that faced challenges head-on and emerged with a staggering 1249% increase in organic traffic.

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Strategic ABM Gifting: A CMO’s Silver Bullet to Engage the Enterprise

Today’s customers are hungry for human connections, but how do you break through the digital noise? How do you connect on a more personal level? A strategic ABM gifting campaign can help. You can target accounts and prospects by sending gifts or direct mail. It will help you stand out from the crowd and increase your chances to connect. Download Sendoso’s complimentary eBook to learn: Effective ways to level up your gifting strategy for the enterprise customers.

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Modernizing mainframe applications with a boost from generative AI

IBM Business Partners

Look behind the scenes of any slick mobile application or commercial interface, and deep beneath the integration and service layers of any major enterprise’s application architecture, you will likely find mainframes running the show. Critical applications and systems of record are using these core systems as part of a hybrid infrastructure. Any interruption in their ongoing operation could be disastrous to the continued operational integrity of the business.

Banking 100
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Bylaws – Legal, Practical and Foundational

Pearlman + Pearlman

Your nonprofit has been incorporated, and the work of the founders now turns to establishing a governance structure and the drafting of bylaws. Governance refers to the system (policies, practices, and processes) by which a board of directors oversees and governs a nonprofit organization. Bylaws are a foundational governance document, providing the rules of the road for many of the essential functions of the board, such as electing directors, appointing officers, holding meetings, and taking act

Legal 97
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Top 12 Human Capital Management Consultants and Consulting Firms

Jake Jorgovan

Human capital management (HCM) stands out as a crucial aspect for companies aiming to leverage their most valuable asset: their employees. Efficient management of human resources can propel a business towards remarkable success, and this is where HCM consultants and consulting firms play a pivotal role. Top 12 Human Capital Management Consultants and Consulting Firms TL;DR Sability : A North American leader in Human Capital Management consulting, known for their partnership with UKG and expertis